Mineral Sugar

Jaggery is sugar filled with many minerals. It is most popular in Asia and Africa.

Jaggery's benefits include:

  1. It prevents constipation by aiding digestion. It activates the digestive enzymes in our body, thus helps in proper digestion of food. That's why many people prefer eating jaggery after a meal.
  2. It acts as a detox, as it helps cleanse the liver by flushing out nasty toxins from the body.
  3. Jaggery is loaded with antioxidants and minerals like zinc and selenium, which help prevent free-radicals (responsible for early ageing). It helps boost resistance against infections, hence building stronger immunity.
  4. Eating a piece of jaggery daily can help women combat PMS symptoms including mood swings, menstrual cramps and abdominal pain.
  5. Jaggery acts as a natural sweetener and provides energy over an extended period of time. Even factory-made honey has been deemed unhealthy because it gets ripped of its nutrients. That's when jaggery steps in!

Please use jaggery in moderation. A little goes a long way. It is a lot sweeter than regular refined sugar.


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